NEW Students who Joined/Completed Industrial Training on Software Development from IIIS Delhi

The objective of the Division of Communications and Information Technology (IT) is to provide the industrial training and short term courses in different areas of communications and IT. Currently, we are running Six Week Industrial Training/Short Term Course on Software Development and Six Week Industrial Training/Short Term Course on Software Cost Estimation and Testing. We have strated the first batch of Six Week Industrial Training on Software Development (SW-ITSD) from July 20, 2022.

Students who Joined/Completed Industrial Training on Software Development from IIIS Delhi
List of research oriented projects of the first batch of SW-ITSD is available here.

Following faculty memebrs are working in the Division of Communications and IT:

List of Faculty Members:

1. Er. Mohd. Shoaib, Head, Division of Communications and IT

2. Er. Sanjida Nazneen, Faculty, Software Engineering

(A) About Six Week Industrial Training on Software Development (in Online Mode)

The Six Week Industrial Training on Software Development (SW-ITSD) is exclusively designed for those who are studying in B.Tech./BCA/MCA/BSc Computer Science/MSc Computer Science/ Diploma courses and wants to work in Software Industry in future. Students who have completed M.Tech./B.Tech./MCA/BCA/Diploma courses can also apply for SW-ITSD. This course trains the students with the knowledge and skills to understand basics of software development with main emphasis on software requirements elicitation and analysis using UML tools, prioritization using fuzzy based multi-criteria decision-making methods (AHP/TOPSIS), and development. The course is divided into four modules. There are two theory courses (ITSD-101: Elements of Software Development and ITSD-102:Fuzzy Logic and its Application in Software Development) and two practical courses (ITSD-111:Case Study and ITSD-112: Software Requirements Implementation) in this training programme. These courses have been designed after consultation with the experts from academia and industry so that students can understand how engineers work in real environment in a software industry.

Note: The Training Fee of the Six Week Industrial Training on Software Development (SW-ITSD) is INR 3500 only.

(B) About Six Week Industrial Training on Software Development with specialization on Java Programming (in Online Mode)

The Six Week Industrial Training on Software Development with specialization on Java Programming (SW-ITSD-Java) is exclusively designed for those who have little knowledge about Java Programming and are studying in B.Tech./BCA/MCA/BSc Computer Science/MSc Computer Science/ Diploma courses. Students who have completed M.Tech./B.Tech./MCA/BCA/Diploma courses can also apply for SW-ITSD-Java. This course trains the students with the knowledge and skills to understand basics of software development with main emphasis on software requirements elicitation and analysis using UML tools, prioritization using fuzzy based multi-criteria decision-making methods (AHP/TOPSIS), and development using Java programming. The course is divided into six modules. There are three theory courses (ITSD-101: Elements of Software Development, ITSD-102: Fuzzy Logic and its Application in Software Development, and ITSD-103: Java Programming) and three practical courses (ITSD-111: Case Study, ITSD-112: Software Requirements Implementation, and ITSD-113: Java Programming Lab) in this training programme. These courses have been designed after consultation with the experts from academia and industry so that students can understand how engineers work in real environment in a software industry.

Note: The Training Fee of the Six Week Industrial Training on Software Development with Specialization on Java Programming (SW-ITSD-Java) is INR 6500 only.

Course Structure

ITSD-101(T): Elements of Software Development

The objective of this course is to introduce the software development process to the students. At the end of this course, students will be able to understand the following:

  • Reasons of software failure
  • Detection of discordances among the stakeholders of software
  • Basics of software development life cycle
  • Methods for software requirements elicitation
  • Visualization of software requirements using AND/OR graph
  • Understanding of the software security requirements and its importance during the software development process.

  • Course Contents:

    Introduction to Software and Program, Software development life cycle models: Waterfall model, Iterative model, Spiral model; Introduction to agile methods; Software requirements (SRs) elicitation techniques: Traditional methods, Package-oriented method, Goal-oriented methods (AND/OR graph); SRs Analysis using UML models: Class diagram, Use-case diagram, Activity diagram; Security requirements elicitation: Method for the identification of security and threats.Test Cases Writing: Black box and White box testing; Selection of programming languages according to the need of the requirements.

    ITSD-102 (T): Fuzzy Logic and its Application in Software Development

  • The objective of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of soft computing with main emphasis on fuzzy logic to the students. At the end of this course, students will be able to understand the following:

  • Difference between crisp logic and fuzzy logic
  • How to model the linguistic terms using different types of the fuzzy numbers
  • How to apply the fuzzy based decision-making methods for the selection of software requirements during the development of software?

  • Course Contents:

    Computing: Hard computing and Soft Computing, Different components of soft computing; Different sources of uncertainty: Randomness and vagueness; Fuzzy logic, Membership functions, main features of a fuzzy set membership functions, i.e., core, support, and boundary; Difference between crisp set and fuzzy set; Some numerical examples; Normal fuzzy set, subnormal fuzzy set, convex fuzzy set, etc.; types of fuzzy numbers. Operations on fuzzy sets: Cartesian product, Max-min composition on fuzzy relations; Types of fuzzy numbers: Triangular fuzzy number, Trapezoidal fuzzy number, Operations on fuzzy numbers, Methods for fuzzification and defuzzification; Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solutions (TOPSIS).

    ITSD-103(T): Java Programming

    The objective of this course is to introduce the Java Programming to the students. At the end of this course, students will be able to understand the following:

  • Difference between C++ and Java
  • How to write a program using Java language
  • How to implement software requirements using Java

  • Course Contents:

    Java Features, Constant, Variables and Data Types, Scope of variable, Type casting, standard default values, Operator and Expression, Decision making and Looping: The While statement, the do statement, the for statement, Jumps in Loops, Labelled Loops. Classes, Object and Methods Defining a class, creating object, accessing class members, Constructor, Methods Overloading, Static Variables, Inheritance: Extending a Class and implementing interfaces, Overriding Methods, Final variable and Methods, Final Classes, Abstract method and Classes, Visibility Control, Array, Strings and Vectors, String, Wrapper Classes, Packages, Multi-Threading: Extending a thread class, Life cycle of thread, using thread method, Thread exceptions, Thread priority, Synchronization, implementing a Runnable Interface, Managing Errors and Exceptions, Types of errors, Exception, Multiple catch statement, using finally statement.

    ITSD-111 (P): Case Study

    The objective of this course is to understand the case study process by considering an information system. The students will select an information system and will identify the requirements for the analysis using UML models then they will apply the fuzzy based MCDM methods. At the end of this course, students will be able to understand the following:

  • How to analyse the existing documents related to an information system?
  • How to elicit the SRs using AND/OR graph?
  • How to analyse the SRs using UML models?
  • How to select the SRs using fuzzy based MCDM methods?

  • Course Contents:

    Modeling of SRs using star UML tool, Construction of an AND/OR graph for SRs; Elicitation of complete set of SRs; Analysis of the SRs using Use-Case and Misuse-Case diagrams; Detection of conflictions among requirements using preference matrix; Applications of fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS in real world.

    ITSD-112 (P): Software Requirements Implementation

    The objective of this course is to implement the software requirements using some of the selected language like C/C++/HTML-CSS/PHP/Python, etc. At the end of this course, students will be able to understand the following:

  • Selection of one programming language according to the need of the requirements: C/C++/Java/HTML-CSS/PHP/Python.
    Note: There will be a critical analysis on the selection of programming language with the subject experts

  • Implementation of at-least one software requirement of an information system using the selected language.
    Note: Students will apply the fuzzy based MCDM method for the selection of top n requirements of an information system. Students will implement the top 1 and 2 requirements of an information system under the guidance of the subject experts.

  • Generation of test cases of the implemented requirements using:Black box testing/White box testing/Hybrid testing.
    Note: After the implementation there will be a discussion on how to present our work/results in a training report.

  • ITSD-113 (P): Java Programming Lab

    The objective of this course is to write the programs using Java programming language.

    (C) About Six Week Industrial Training on Software Development with specialization on Software Cost Estimation and Testing (in Online Mode)

    To know the course contents of Six Week Industrial Training on Software Development with specialization on Software Cost Estimation and Testing, please email on

    Note: The Training Fee of the Six Week Industrial Training on Software Development with specialization on Software Cost Estimation and Testing(SW-ITSD-CET) is INR 12,500 only.